Some of the worst epidemics and pandemics to hit mankind
1. Plague of Athens, 430 BC - 100,000 deaths
2. Antonine plague, AD 165-180 - 5 million deaths
3. Plague of Cyprian, AD 250-271- 5000 per day death
4. Plague of Justinian AD 541-542 - 10% of world population
5. The black death, 1346-1353 - half of European population
6. Cocoliztli epidemic, 1545 - 1548 - 5 million deaths
7. The great plague of London, 1665-1666 - 100,000 deaths
8. Great plague of Marseille 1720-1723 - 100,000 deaths.
9. Russian plague, 1770-1772 - 100,000 deaths
10. Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic, 1793, 5000 deaths
11. American polio epidemic, 1916, 6000 deaths.
12..The Spanish flu, 1918 - 1920, 50 million deaths
13. Asian flu, 1957-1958, 1.1 million deaths.
The essence of this thread is to help shed more light on epidemics and pandemics in the world and help to reduce the ignorance of 5G causing coronavirus. I had expected seasoned epidemiologists in the country to shed more light. This thread is subject to criticism.
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