Reading the left-wing coverage of the end of the Democratic primary, you wouldn't know that the no-strings bailout of the largest corporations in America happened 3 weeks ago. It doesn't jibe with comforting stories about "winning" the ideological argument.
The left shouldn't kid themselves. Their leaders failed them and no major party wants them involved. The only card they have left to play lies in the monumental social unrest that will accompany the coronavirus Depression.
Lots of people are adrift and angry, while the Dow delivers healthy returns to a small sliver of the public. This will play out with inchoate rage. It's a moment of unlikely possibility. But it depends on where the anger leads.
Democrats near power are allergic to it. The labor movement is too small. The professional left has simply been unsuccessful. The new left will soon have potentially swelling numbers but with what goals?
The crisis has exposed every single fault line & failing in American society with laser precision. A political movement that addresses that will have a chance at success. I don't look at the left right now and see that movement in place. Hopefully it will come from outside them.
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