Fellow people who struggle with depression: I have advice regarding personal hygiene. People who don't struggle with depression this thread is not for you. I am not a therapist but this is my experience.
One time I watched a video that promised "motivation hacks for every day tasks" and then opened with "it's about how you frame it, for example, it's not like you need motivation to shower or brush your teeth" and I realized that video was not for depressed people.
To people who don't struggle with depression, it might seem gross that we could let personal hygiene slip to the wayside but when you lose the will to live, that includes the motivation to get out of bed, brush your teeth, put on clean clothes, etc.
So, here is my advice: don't make yourself take a shower, just convince yourself to let the water run over you for 2 minutes. Usually once I'm in the shower I'm motivated enough to continue with my usual routine, but sometimes not, sometimes that's all I do.
Don't feel like you have to wash your hair, or shave, or do anything else you normally do. Sometimes I just get in and wash my "pits and parts" as my mom would call it. Sometimes I half-wash my hair (by using a tiny amount of shampoo only on my part) and that's all I do.
For taking real full showers, I feel like it helps to mentally "frame it" first. I think of it not as a waste of time or a waster of water, but as an important part of taking care of my mental and physical health.
It also helps to buy products you enjoy using that you like the scent/feel of. Or take baths if you enjoy them more than showers (you can read or be on your phone in the tub).
Same thing with brushing your teeth or changing your clothes, don't feel like you have to commit to the whole process. Just brushing the front of your teeth or brushing with water is better than not brushing and just changing your t-shirt is better than nothing.
And if you just simply can't do any of it, don't worry, try again in a few hours.
Also, not sure why but drinking a glass of water first usually helps me.
That's all I got, always praying for you guys.
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