3 brief tips on how the left can do better next time:

1) Log off. Seriously, Twitter and Facebook matter far less than you think it does. Most folks dont even have Twitter accounts. Even amongst the youngsters, most aren't terminally online and most think toxic online sucks.
Sweet dunks and dank memes dont mean much if no ones reading them. Elevating terminally online folks as your surrogates doesn't translate to VFW halls and county convention centers. Part of that is...
2) More Bayou less Brooklyn. Recognize, elevate, and center local voices. Having all your intelligencia and punditry living in a few block of each other in NYC and DC is bad. Sending Cynthia Nixon to talk to Latinos in Florida was colossally stupid.
You need more folks like Ironstache and fewer trust fund socialists. You need relatable working class folks, local activists, etc. Learn to talk locally. Understand that Boise isnt Bushwick. People vote more about local/personal issues than abstract ideas.
3) Drop the "Bend the Knee" attitude. You know how folks say that anywhere else the Democrats would be a centrist party? Well everywhere else the also govern by coalitions between parties. Smaller parties work together for more power.
The American Left is still small, so you need to work with the most ideologically similar party, the Democrats, if you ever want a chance. Recognize you cant miracle radical change, you need to play politics, give a little to get a little. And dont alienate allies.
You can follow @Amanda_Kerri.
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