Today would've been my dad's 77th birthday. He died one week ago from COVID-19. I know there is a LOT going on in today's news, but feel free to read on if interested.

Some have reached out with questions about his initial symptoms, what I did, what I may have done differently.
Initial symptoms: 101 temp, nausea, cough, lethargy. His pulmonologist (via phone) suspected it was a virus or flu. COVID-19 not majorly suspected but also not ruled out. Next day temp went down to 99 and he said he felt better.
Why we thought maybe not COVID: he said his breathing was fine, no shortness of breath, his nose had been runny – all things we thought went against the classic COVID symptoms.
Four days after initial symptoms, I was at his house (in a mask/gloves). He had no energy. No appetite. Still said not short of breath. His doc was still hesitant to send him to hospital. If he didn’t have COVID, he’d surely contract it there.
Less than 48 hours after my arrival, he’s still saying not short of breath. Not sure I believe him. So I count his breaths while at rest. Did it 3 times and it was between 25-29 inhalations per minute. Told his doc who said this was too high. Decision was made: hospital.
I don’t think there was anything I could have done differently to save him. By the time I got there, it was too late. Don’t know this for sure, but I suspect it.
I don’t blame the doctor’s reluctance to send him to the hospital. If he’d only had a flu or pneumonia, there was a very good chance he would’ve contracted COVID there. And like I said, at that point I am not sure it would have made a difference.
I am glad I went to his house. Not sure he would have called an ambulance on his own, and he likely would have died at home, alone. Also glad I had the number of his doctor, and that he had a doctor.
There’s much more I want to write about how to prepare for the death of a parent or loved one. I’ll probably write a blog post about it or something where I don’t have to worry about the number of characters I type. Will post here when I do. Any questions, let me know.
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