Be gay, DONT do crimes.
Sorry for the crude sketching/coloring of this comic but I sended out quickly since the "other" comic was slowly trending & I didn't want that comic to spread a bad message to not only stealing but undermining retailers & employees.
As an employee myself, this ain't it chief
Another thing! I know that both comics have someone going to art stores, but I drew it as a parody to the first comic!
In general, esp during these times, try ordering art supplies online!! Or message friends to send u clean supplies via mail! ❤️❤️❤️
And I chose hobby lobby cause it was closest thing I had in mind? I don't know what's going on with them and don't have Dicks art stores nearby so yeahhh ha;;

Plus whole point of the comic was to a) make it funny and b) to (hopefully) spread positive message ❤️
So just gonna say this once but I've been getting alot of comments of this:
I'm sorry that Hobby Lobby wasn't that Gucci of a choice of an art store. I didn't know about thier accusations & thier treatment of staff.
Das all, sorry it upsets ya Twitterz, but nm I can do about it.
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