You're conducting a trolley that is hurtling towards killing five people but you can switch it to a track that will only kill one person. Oh but also you are co-steering the trolley with millions of other people and the switch goes to whichever gets the majority option.
Except you don't actually get to directly influence the trolley, you elect delegates to a Trolley College, and certain trolley cars get more of a say than others based on an agreement with the Trolley company 300 years ago.
There was a third option that would only have maimed someone's leg, but the trolley company is very invested in saying that it's not a realistic option and that it would lead to the fall of trolley society.
Meanwhile, while everyone on the car is bickering, the mustachioed man in a top hat who tied the people to the tracks in the first place is running away carrying two heavy bags with $ signs on them. When you try to point this out, your other passengers just shout THE LEVER!
You point out alternate courses of action. Sue the trolley company for negligence. Bring the mustachioed man to justice. Get off the trolley and try to untie the people yourself. No, the only way to effect change, they say, is to pull the lever.
You note that there were other forks and that you could have pulled another lever earlier and prevented this whole situation to begin with. But even then people kept talking about the LEVER and how AWFUL it would be.
You point out that the wheels of the trolley are already coated with blood. You and your fellow passengers have been in this same situation before, countless times, and have had plenty of time to prepare. Each time you pull the lever, or don't, and amass a greater bloodcount.
But they insist the lever is the only way, and if you don't pull on the lever you're just as bad as the mustachioed man.

Also both the levers are rapists.
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