Since I’m less likely to get raked across the coals about Bernie on here I will explain why Bernie lost in a thread.
I actually do support a lot of things on Bernie’s platform. I truly think at the core of this his heart and efforts should be applauded. Healthcare should be for all and big money should be taken out of politics.
But the problem with Bernie and his campaign is that they do more alienating and picking fights with others within the party than building coalitions. And thats the problem.
More importantly ppl like Nina Turner and @briebriejoy don’t understand black ppl. Scratch that older black ppl. Their outreach towards the black community has been shitty. Same with the DSA.
I truly believe that in order to get ppl to believe in your movement you have to do more meeting ppl where they are instead of being counterproductive. And that’s what Bernie’s team has been. Counterproductive. Instead of adding more ppl to their movement they pushed ppl away.
Does that mean Bernie’s movement is dead? No. I think AOC will be the person that can carry on his progressive policies while she’s in Congress.

I do however think the DSA as a whole need to sit in a corner and think about improving their outreach. Especially here in NOLA.
There’s a reason why Bernie got a lot of votes in lily white precincts in NOLA back in 2016.

Don’t believe me? Check the Lens election maps. They’ll tell you the story
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