TruthAllianceYT :as a former lead prior of being backstabbed by “family” I have noticed a lot wrong with the team STEAMING from the fortnite side of such. EX Leads would constantly argue In which they all attack the fortnite said FOR GOOD REASON. The new leads over there are -1/?
a bit lackluster with the promotion of “Reflection” this old player, thought he’d deserve the spot and got close to a lead to do such. We figured out he was doing such after he and his friends and others complained about me being a lead and not doing well in the role.
Which is udder bullshit. The mere fact in the matter is I was able and had showed it time and time again. Ask any of the none dick riding people aka @GGSnowyy @BlaydeeFN and more. Even ask people outside of the team @Hinnster and @Bnk_Rpt they will say the same.
I was able to run the position and now that I got backstabbed I realize TruthAllianceYT fortnite is not a family it’s just a stepping stone. While the sniping side is getting stuff done fn side with Reflection In charge will do nothing
Ily guys
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