I’ve been quiet today. Many supporters are thinking out loud. Some supporters have made up their minds.

Then people like me are paying close attention to the trolling by the establishment. https://twitter.com/markos/status/1247925171584786432
The establishment thinks they’ve won. They lost but don’t get it yet.

This primary season was for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party.

Corporate rule won but the Democrats will lose a generation of voters.
Most important, some of us see the long view. The majority of the country wants the policies put forward by @BernieSanders and the corporate elite don’t want that to happen.

The revolution began and will continue.
There will be ups and downs but we will win.

For example, consider all the fake progressives who have shown themselves. We can list them from Warren, Booker, Mayor Pete, Harris, etc.

They can’t go back to the lies if we don’t allow it.
So, what are the paths forward?

1. Don’t donate to @TheDemocrats. Let the wealthy hold them up.

2. Don’t cut off the movement at its knees. Stick together.

3. Our common enemy is corporate rule.

4. Don’t talk about how you will or won’t vote.
Number 4 is huge. Hold your vote private and let the corporate world freak out. Don’t answer surveys. Don’t show your hand.

Keep your vote quiet.
If any account on Twitter tries to vote shame then block and move along. Don’t interact with their games. Don’t feed their narrative.
If you see a biased journalist then block. Don’t interact. This service is based on ad revenue. Strip it by not interacting with trolls and baited tweets.
Focus on the long game — no lobbyists, no endless wars, healthcare for all, removal of privatization schemes for schools, postal service, etc.
Keep pushing by all of us banding together. We will strip the corporate elites bare by ignoring them. They are exposed now, so let them flounder. They’ll poke. They’ll lie.

We will hold the line then push forward. One politician at a time.
In my view, we begin by focusing on one politician and hit the corporate elite where they least expect.

We start by getting rid of McConnell. He’s more dangerous than all the other politicians. We put everything into getting him out of office.

But we must all agree.
We must focus on one and not get spread out.

A second option is to focus on Pelosi but it’s the senate that’s causing lots of harm.

Now these are my current thoughts. We move forward, with great care to shut off the trolls and to shut off the corporate rule.
It’s been several hours since posting this thread. It’s now pinned and some of the football spiked articles show the establishment is in deep trouble.

Be careful. Don’t show your hand.
You can follow @BerniesTeachers.
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