Plenty of great tourism business tips from today's @Wellington_NZ business livestream with Jake Downing from @WetaWorkshop, Steve Martin from @jamescookhotel, Hamish Mexted at @ConvexAccounts.
"Put on your own oxygen mask first, then you can help others and your business"
"Know what #COVID19nz Alert Level you can open at" so you can think about timelines, what you'll need and how you'll operate. "Be ready when the gun goes off, so you're able to operate from the the first day possible"
"Understand what your skills you have in your team" - is anyone a photographer, know how to make a video, is a really great talker...
"what else could you deliver with your resources?"
"how might you deliver an existing product or new product at each stage of #covid19nz alert level or recovery stage?"
Bubble #tourism market now, local market returning next, then domestic and international much later on.
"Don't expect the same returns in your pricing in the new post- #COVID19nz world" and what is your minimal viable revenue?
Don't discount! Hold your price + explain to customers the value of any extra experience you can offer, that doesn't necessarily cost you much more.
He waka eke noa - we are all in this together - Jake Downing at @WetaWorkshop says "now is the time for joined hands" as tourism operators and communities and as we collectively put #Wellington and #NewZealand back on the map.
What are your #tourism business success measure beyond the usual bums on seats and volume numbers game? Think about the wider social value of your offering or keeping yours as a sustained / sustainable business.
"Feelings. Facts. Fix it."
A brilliant leadership mantra / conversation approach for tough times talking to staff, guests (or for me: my kids) from Steve Martin @jamescookhotel @Wellington_NZ. Acknowledge feelings, talk facts, look at scenarios and and take action together
As we move fast and make lots of decisions in a new environment "take time to record your decisions and why." You'll find these useful resource to fall back on as you go forward.
"We've all been wishing for time to work ON our business not IN it, so let's embrace this opportunity"
Kia kaha, look after yourself and reach out if you need a hand.
You can follow @JamesLamb_.
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