I was on my suicidal shit at the end of last month. I beat it again even though April is reallllyyyy pushing it with me. This is the 3rd time in 2 years I’ve dealt with it, and I’ve never at any point talked to someone about it during.
But everytime someone famous dies from it, everyone is on the TL saying to check in on your friends and hug people tighter because you don’t know what someone is going through. But as someone who has also been trained on suicide prevention-
The best way to help someone you think may be going through it is to ask them point blank “are you suicidal?” Hearing the words kind of wakes something up in your brain about the severity of what you’re planning on doing.
You also can’t always tell if someone is actually suicidal. Again, at no point did I discuss it with anyone anytime I went through it. No one asked me a thing. I participated in events, went to work, didn’t cause self harm, none of that. I just shut down emotionally.
The way I got through it on my own was repeatedly reminding myself what it would do to my mom. This won’t work for everyone. It just happened to be what worked for me. Telling someone they’re selfish for even thinking of it is a shitty thing to do-
You’re putting guilt on a person who is low enough that they don’t feel like living. If you’re this person, I will personally rock your shit. This thread is a mess, but I felt it needed to be said. Take care of yourselves, please
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