Well since I am bored, amma do a

1. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
2. Do you like the taste of blood?
3. If you were trapped on an island, would you rather resort to cannibalism or die of starvation?
4. If there was a zombie apocalypse, which one of your friends would die first?
5. What’s the meanest thing that you ever hoped happened to someone?
6. Would you rather eat a chunk of a human heart or an entire human eye?
7. If the opportunity presented itself, would you watch your crush get undressed through their window?
8. If you were asked to film a new horror movie, what would the plot be?
9. Would you rather have an arm hacked off or a leg?
10. If you could ask the devil a question, what would it be?
11. Is there anyone you want to kick the bucket?
12. Can you shoot someone if given the opportunity?
13. What is the most evil thing you have done?
14. If someone you hate is drowning and you can swim, will you save them?
15. Do you have suicidal impulses?
16. How do you feel when you kill insects or animals?
17. What's your biggest dark impulse?
18. What's that one evil thing you wanna try?
19. If you are given the opportunity to take the life of anyone of your choice, will you? And if yes who will it be?
20. Do you love watching horror movies because you love watching people die?
You can follow @IbrahimJafr.
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