CONFIRMED: Nevada Department of Corrections ordered hydroxychloroquine after @GovSisolak banned non-hospital doctors from prescribing it. This statement is from NDOC. Thread (1/X)
NDOC ordered the drug for those currently taking it and for “potential future use for those who demonstrate a medical need.” That’s stockpiling the drug at the same time @GovSisolak said he had to prohibit non-hospital doctors from prescribing, because of a shortage. (2/X)
Sisolak’s emergency regulation also prevents non-hospital doctors from prescribing it to new patients, even for non-coronavirus ailments, like lupus. NDOC says it could do so (3/X).
This means that if — and that’s a big IF — hydroxychloroquine is effective against #coronavirus, Nevada inmates will have access while general public won’t outside of a hospital. Unless Sisolak reverses himself. (4/X)
This isn’t to say NDOC did the wrong thing or that its actions are illegal, but to point out @GovSisolak's hypocritical overreach in his efforts to stick it to @realDonaldTrump. (5/X)
His regulations could have limited prescriptions to those with a diagnosed case of #coronavirus. That would have prevented doctors from prescribing it to patients who wanted it just in case. (6/X)
It’s always hard to admit a mistake, but @GovSisolak should reverse himself and issue a more carefully crafted regulation. And quit trying to score political points during a pandemic. (7/end)
Context: @DonaldJTrumpJr tweeted this out yesterday. I said the sourcing in the article he cited was thin, but NDOC has confirmed it did order the drug after Sisolak's ban on non-hospital doctors prescribing it.
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