feelin bored so.... im gonna start a thread! this time of my favorite tma episodes (so far im actually not finished with s4 yet)
MAG 3: Across the Street
“Isn’t it funny, Amy, how you can live so near and never notice. I’ll need to return the visit someday.”

the introduction of the NotThem had me thoroughly spooked. this is one of the episodes that really started to get me hooked
MAG 7: The Piper
"I began to wonder: were we the children stolen from their parents by The Piper’s tune? Or were we the rats that were led to the river and drowned because they ate too much of the wealthy’s grain?"
MAG 9: A Father's Love
"As it got louder it began to sound less and less like a person knocking and more like... wet meat being slammed the study wood of the front door."

hearing this particular passage for the first time in context got me i'll admit
MAG 12: First Aid
"He nodded in appreciation and said something that I remember very clearly, even though it still makes no sense. He said, “Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame”."

ok so first of all im a gerry keay stan first and a human being second
MAG 17: The Boneturner's Tale
"Red dripped and pulsed from the cart, soaking the pages and forming a small pool around it. The books were bleeding."

idk what else to say besides that i love the concept of a creepypasta forbidden chapter from the canterbury tales of all things
MAG 20: Desecrated Host
"I opened the door and retrieved the Host, returning it to the altar. Then I... I lifted it to my mouth, and I ate. It did not taste as I expected."

this episode....... bitch what the fuck.
MAG 22: Colony
“Keep him. We have had our fun. He will want to see it when the Archivist’s crimson fate arrives.”

first episode with MAHTIN.... yes i would die for him
MAG 26: A Distortion
"I didn’t want to call him Michael; it didn’t seem to fit somehow, and the way he said it made me think that it definitely was not his name. Still, it wasn’t like I had any other name for him. No, not for him. For it."

MAG: 30: Killing Floor
"All I could see outside was a metal abattoir roof stretching away to the horizon. The sky was a dull pink - the colour of blood being washed into a drain."

dear lord The Flesh is so fucking creepy and this ep is one of the worst offenders imo
MAG 32: Hive
"It is not the patterns that enthrall me, I’m not one of those fools chasing fractals; no, it’s what sings behind them. Sings that I am beautiful. Sings that I am a home. That I can be fully consumed by what loves me."

hard to pick just one quote from this one
MAG 34: Anatomy Class
"Soon each of them is holding a heart up, each pumping and throbbing differently, blood leaking, spurting out of them in a different way, a different nightmare. "
MAG 36: Taken Ill
"She saw me, and as her eyes locked with mine she opened her mouth, and the buzzing of the flies that spewed out was almost as loud as her scream."

not much to say besides how Fucked this one is especially if you have a weak stomach
MAG 39: Infestation
TIM: …still working? Ah, okay. Test, test. What are you doing on the floor? Huh. [Imitates Archivist voice] Statement of Joe Spooky, regarding sinister happenings in the downtown old-
MAG 41: Grifter's Bone
"He gazed straight into my eyes and said, “Encore?”"

yeah im not done with this thread yet. anyway bring back grifter's bone im ready for more music that makes you go apeshitt
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