This is a list of countries that America, China, and Europe constantly fucks because why not right? They just want money by starving Africans then send people to Africa to contribute to helping them just for show😂😂😂
A thread.
Every country in Africa that doesn’t have white people because developed countries have racist governments.
PALESTINE!!!!!! We should cancel queen Elizabeth for giving away a land that wasn’t hers + she killed poor Diana for being a decent human being.
LIBYA!!!!!Basically America was jealous that Libya was getting mass amounts of oil revenues so they decided that with the secret collaboration of Saudi Arabia and the UAE that they were gonna negotiate with certain politicians and cause chaos in the country leading to mass murder
SYRIA!!!! Just like what happened in Nagasaki and Hiroshima when America dropped a nuclear bomb, America decided to drop isis and a few other terrorist organizations to have a reason to bomb and destroy the country and therefore create a war that killed THOUSANDS. Thanks Obama🖕🏼
AFGHANISTAN!!!! So what happened was that Afghanistan really had it all (oil, drug fields, smart people, etc etc) they ofc got jealous and formed the “taliban” to destroy the country and allow America to steal the country’s oil. I’m gonna create another thread for Afghanistan.
IRAQ!!!! Baghdad had smart people running in every direction in addition to mass oil revenues which lead America to believe that Iraq was eligible to become the next America so America being the bitch that it is created a war that is still on going which displaced millions.
YEMEN!!!!Okay yemen has SUFFERED so much in the hands of SA, UAE, and the US. They forced yemen to close down many ports which crashed its economy in a mass scale. Those ports brought human needs and necessities and now yemen is starving. Thanks Saudi Arabia you guys are canceled
VENEZUELA!!!! There isn’t any “war” but America has inside jobs with prime ministers in Venezuela that caused the economy to suffer huge amounts of inflation because of the large scale corruption going on between the politicians. Btw that’s all because if oil.
LAOS!!!! America wanted to test out how good they were with bombing people and butchering them so why not try it out on poor nations right?
VIETNAM!!!!Basically there was north and south Vietnam and US supported the south meanwhile China supported the north. US and China are rivals in trade so what they did was basically fight eachother through a war that wasn’t theirs to begin with. War caused multiple deaths.
Jumping back to the African countries. France forces it’s once colonial countries to pay millions each year for their satisfaction and in turn starved millions of people. As if money coming in from investments and tourism wasn’t enough right? Which btw is 70% of the income.
Africa’s many countries contain mass amounts of valuable resources such as gold mines, diamond mines, one of the largest oil fields, and countless ecosystems present in the continent.
FUN FACT!!!!! Africa( more specifically the DRC) can be THE RICHEST AND I MEAN THE RICHEST country in the world because they have it ALL. Gold/diamond mines, extremely rare minerals and rocks from volcanic eruptions, green habitats which house a chance in tourism the list goes on
But you see China motivates the politicians in the continent to be really corrupt & place the whole continent in a severe state of devastation & debt. Which is why news stations like to go there & document child marriages sex trafficking etc because the country has no innovation
Queen Elizabeth LOVES to talk about poverty in her full on golden throne with her dress full on laces in diamonds and pearls with her golden staff held high because she just simply cannot stop stealing Africa well old lady you’re complete shit.
This thread is meant to draw attention to what is really going on in this world and I won’t be surprised if the corona virus was meant to distract people from what’s really going on.
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