before i say everything about this person i’m going to ask for all of you to not go sending death threats or being mean to them because that just makes you as bad as her. i do not want people to bully her. i want to make people aware of the things she has been causing and how
unaware a lot of you are to it. again. no sending death threats. no being mean. this is things i’ve experienced with this person that i really would like to share with all of you because they have been very harmful and no matter what it seems like they won’t stop so i’m making
this thread. there’s this one sorta big clikkie named abbi or @/fallawaybandito. now look. i get it. it’s okay to expose people over some things but she has exposed people for MANY little things. and i’ll give you some examples.
first example and most recent example is the art thing. now i get it. she says don’t send hate or judge but isn’t she judging? not to mention if you so badly don’t want your followers to attack them, then why are you keeping their @ in your post? you could have just left the @
out of the post altogether. and they wouldn’t be getting hate nor death threats. she acts as if people don’t have feelings. as if they aren’t even people. like good on you for not saying to hate on them but what if they don’t see it? just leave the @ out periodt and also
why hate on the art in the very first place? these people are artists. artists use art to express themselves, calm themselves down, etc. this art isn’t even that bad either. it’s a little lewd drawings really. and it’s super good and unique art. they also states that if contacted
by either tyler or josh that they’re uncomfortable, that they will take down the art. art did not need an exposing or canceling. it’s art. tyler state in an interview that (this was most about fan fiction but still applies) twisted art is still art and he doesn’t mind it
here’s the source (skip ahead to 8:00). fan fiction and art can both be twisted and odd. but this also goes out to the people that say they’re uncomfortable with fan fiction when they’re not
another source where they also say they don’t mind fan fiction is here as well if you want more

(skip to 2:06)
abbi has also ranted about the big clikkie thing when she shouldn’t even have a say in that? she deleted the thread so all i have is this picture. but basically she’s saying she doesn’t want people to call themselves a big clikkie because the whole thing is toxic which i do agree
with. however, she also has the big clikkie mentality. she exposes people for small things and people attack them and hurt them and stuff which is messed up? it’s like she isn’t thinking of others feelings at all. especially since she used to not say “don’t attack them or give
attention to them”. WHICH IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING THIS ENTIRE TIME YET PEOPLE DONT LISTEN TO ME. OH BUT WHEN ABBI SAYS IT ITS OKAY. man i don’t get clikkies sometimes. i want peace and this is just one of the toxic clikkies ive ever interacted with and that’s why i am doing this
thread and made a psa not to go after her BEFORE i say anything which is what she should do. or just block out the @. i’m just done with stuff she has been doing and she’s been destroying mental healths and stuff and it makes no sense to me. aren’t we all supposed to be the
clique? aren’t we all in the same damn fan base? aren’t we all entitled to our own opinions? yes. the answer is yes. and i’m fed up with all this drama and i wish abbi would stop spreading it. she has a big following. if you don’t want people to attack the person or send them
death threats then why are you posting about them/keeping their @ in the screenshots. i get you say don’t hate or whatever but you do that after the fact everybody already went and hated and stuff. and you do so many of it over such little things like the next one i’m going to
get into which is the posting tweets on instagram troubles. Now I get it if you don’t get credit for it but there’s also not much you can do. if somebody isn’t going to credit then it’s not worth fighting them for it. but abbi attacked ONE specific person about it and that person
literally does credit people. (i couldn’t find abbi’s tweets sadly but i found the ss of when the person decided to deactivate their acc due to the hate they were getting)
okay and look, i get it. when a tweet is noticed by somebody on instagram it does suck. i understand that but also not everybody has twitter/can’t get twitter and likes the memes and stuff. and if somebody doesn’t know the instagram of the person who tweeted it if they have one
then give it to them?? and he respectful. hey can you credit it to @ and whatever the @ is. it’s not that hard to be mature and kind. and abbi should know this too. abbi can ask for credit or for a post to be taken down if she wants it to be. if the person refuses there is no
reason to go and expose them. it really won’t change anything. and if you do talk about it then leave the @ out so people don’t go and attack them. if you don’t want your followers to send death threats then stop putting the @ in it. it’s unnecessary.
there are more mature ways to handle things and that is all i am trying to say. abbi needs to learn to handle things in a more maturely way. the things she have done shouldn’t just be passed off as something good and helpful in the clique when it isn’t helping anything at all and
there are ways to handle things and she isn’t handling things well at all. she should block out the @ before saying anything at all. she has said she’s against cancel culture so maybe she should start acting like it. and i know you can’t control your followers sometimes so
telling them not to send hate won’t stop them. THATS WHY YOU BLOCK OUT THE @. i wouldn’t have anything against her if she would be mature and block out the @ before sharing something she dislikes. and maybe think about it. how would this person feel if i did this? it can hurt.
people have feelings. people cry. people get sad. seeing something they made like art spread around to be a bad thing can HURT really badly. stop defending abbi when she has hurt people. YOU have no idea what stuff being spread around can cause to a person when all they were
trying to do was have fun or something else. stop canceling somebody over small things such as tweets on instagram and art. i know i repeated myself a few times during this thread but it’s to really try and get my point across as much as i can. thank you.
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