Conservative thinktank AEI says that before states can move into Phase II (gradual re-opening), they must have in place the capacity "to test all people with COVID-19 symptoms, along with state capacity to conduct active monitoring of all confirmed cases and their contacts."
Is there even one state or municipality in the United States where all persons with symptoms can get tested? How much tracing and monitoring of contacts is being done? These both seem months away from implementation.
Washington State (pop. 7.5 million) conducted 92,000 tests so far (1% of all residents). We're fourth in the nation for most tests per capita.

New York (pop. 19.54 million) conducted 365,153 tests (2% of all residents). They're first for most tests per capita.
The guidelines of AEI seem reasonable and close to what many epidemiologists are saying.

The urgent, major effort to manufacture tests/PPE is a top national priority + funding/hiring/training many, many public health employees to do tests, trace contacts and enforce isolation.
One more thing: saw someone today say that those who had CV19 and have recovered can be our "Immune Workforce."

However, only about 400,000 have been diagnosed total. That's .1% of Americans.

Walmart alone employs 1.5 million workers.
Even if mild CV19 cases (untested and undiagnosed) are ten times the official numbers (so 4 million), that would still be only 1% of Americans who may have had the disease and recovered.
Anyway, I'm thinking a lot this week about what it would take to ease up on state lockdowns....adequate masks/PPE, tests, tracing, and isolation of sick/asymptomatic seem to be the big four.
You may have already seen the same rightwing extremist news outlets pushing for an early May re-opening + (once again!) saying that models, safety measures, etc. were exaggerated, hysteria, it wasn't really that dangerous, hospitals are laying people off, etc. etc.
These clowns never learn + their false gods (money, power, control, self) are more important than human lives to them.

They won't even consider the reasonable research of conservatives at AEI before casting out false narrative nets to ensnare the gullible.
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