We’ve debated the role of government since our founding—but the time for cheap political shots at government is over.

Congress must end recess to get back to work on the direct government actions we need to save lives and our economy. Here are my ideas: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/08/opinion/coronavirus-congress-warren.html
To contain this crisis, we need a surge in testing capacity.

We need the government to be producing tests, PPE, drugs in shortage, and any future treatments that scientists develop—not in the thousands, but in the tens of millions.
Families need economic relief beyond cash payments.

We need to suspend consumer debt collection. We need a true moratorium on evictions and foreclosures. We need to cancel student loan debt. We need to keep child care providers afloat and increase Social Security benefits.
Frontline workers are putting their lives on the line.

We need an Essential Workers Bill of Rights that includes paid leave, protective equipment, emergency safety standards, hazard pay, and collective bargaining.
People and small businesses must come first during our economic recovery.

We need to keep workers employed. We need new price gouging laws and enforcement. We need to protect small businesses from predatory takeovers.
Taxpayer dollars must go to workers and state, local, and tribal governments first—not corporations.

We need strong conflict-of-interest protections. We need a ban on political spending and lobbying by companies who get emergency assistance. We need better oversight.
Coronavirus poses a threat to free and fair elections.

We need vote by mail. We need online and same-day registration. We need extended early voting and hours. We need real money for governments to administer elections safely.
Our health system is stretched to the brink. People of color are affected at disproportionate rates. Unemployment is approaching Depression-era levels. The scale of this crisis demands we do much more, much faster. The next round of policymaking must address these hard realities.
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