1/ I saw this article “You Know You’re Living In a Banana Republic When...” by Jack Goldstone 3yrs ago. ALL of it has come true. Here’s thread w/abridged version.

A. Top policy-making jobs go2President’s kids&in-laws, rather than experienced, qualified pros.
2/ B. Second-tier jobs go2friends&hangers-on of the President.
C. Qualified pros are reduced2window-dressing.
D. Loyalty2the President is the main qualification for getting and keeping your job; those whose loyalty is suspect or seem too independent are soon reassigned or fired.
3/ E. President asserts that he&his family are above the law, as they can be pardoned for any crimes by the President.
F. Prosecutors or investigators looking into crimes or corruption by the President and his family are dismissed.
4/ G. President&his admin make up lies2put themselves&actions in best possible light; then expect those lies2be accepted as fact.
H. President&his admin attack media who criticize or seek2correct their lies as fake news, while praising&promoting media who endorse their fictions.
5/ I. President accuses political opponents of committing major crimes, calls them bad people, and urges that they be investigated, prosecuted, and locked up.
J. President treats his own party in the legislature as people who should do his bidding and work mainly to serve him.
6/ K. President loves parades, displays of military force, and public adulation.
L. President&his family operate private businesses on the side, and use their power and position to help those businesses increase their profits.
7/ M. President routinely flaunts and violates ethics laws, and claims they do not apply to him or don’t matter.
N. President surrounds himself with people whose main duty is to flatter him&protect him from any criticism.

Sound familiar? America might be a Banana Republic. 😫
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