Just thinking of Ramadan a couple years ago and how I got to go to Jerusalem for the first time in ~10 years and the second I saw the some of the rock I BURST INTO TEARS in the middle of the square and a little girl asked me why I’m crying which just made me cry more
Now I’m going to cry at the memory of that+how obviously it’s what’s necessary rn but Ramadan is basically the only time we can go to Jerusalem and thats canceled
I really burst into tears and my husband was scared asking why and when I told him why he said “who told you to remember we’re Palestinian at 1am” and the way he said it has me cracking up lmaooooo
Just of a combination of how we have never been to Jerusalem together, how few chances he’s had to go even though he was born and raised here and that intense feeling at the time that I was right in front of something so many Palestinians would give anything to see
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