Hey, since Bernie dropped out, those of you who were donating to his campaign may be wondering: where to go from here? Now, there are a few candidates out there who are still fighting the good progressive fight in downballot races. I will post in this thread a few I support:
@JENFL23 is running against Debbie Wasserman Shultz, who you may remember was exposed for being corrupt back in 2016. Support her here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jen2020  View her platform: https://jen2020.com/issues/ 
If there are anymore that I missed, feel free to add them in this thread. I'll add them to the thread as I see them. Please consider retweeting this to help spread awareness of these downballot races, and consider financially contributing to any you can to help.
You can follow @KobaOC.
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