That people think Democrats are the ones standing in the way of them getting everything they want in life is two things. 1) really sad, and 2) an indication that somewhere along the line we dropped the ball on education in this country.
When the Bernie or Bust crowd flipped to Trump or Stein or stayed home they handed the Supreme Court not just to the GOP but to Mitch McConnell's GOP. That's just plain stupid. Like to your core stupid. Like never overturn Citizens United stupid.
To see elections as something five people in a room make a decision on instead of millions going to the polls to tell the country what THEY want is misguided. Elections in America are won because people vote.
Look at how many supporters of Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg and Beto O'Rourke and Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar had to put their desires aside for the greater good. Do you see them with their hashtags and poopie diaper tantrums because their candidate didn't win?
No, it is only because the majority of young college aged kids raised on convenience culture and helicopter parents like me (sadly), who only know Obama as president who are acting like something is OWED to them rather than the truth - their candidate lost.
So rather than stand up and support the better side, they are going to be on the side of allowing a dangerous man backed by a wave of extremist nationalist fascism to take a second term with unchecked power and sympathy for nazis get elected. And we're supposed to admire that?
What did they expect to happen in an American election? I know they're hurting, and we have to give them room to feel their loss and grief but really, with these hashtags to destroy and weaken the only thing standing between us and a repeat of Germany in the 1930s?
End thread. I don't want to fight with Bernie people any more. 2,000 have died from COVID-19. We have to come together as a people and rescue this country. Join us or you are complicit in every terrible thing that is about to happen because you couldn't be bothered to stop it.
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