Because of my military service, and genetics, I developed certain medical conditions.

I take medication. If I don't it, I die.

The medication has unpleasant side effects. But I take it.

With the pandemic, I can't get it.

So, the pharmacy gave me an alternative. And I accepted it. Because that was the only option. The side effects are REALLY unpleasant. I'm sitting here nauseated every day. Every afternoon, I'm sick to my stomach. Every fucking day.

But I take it. If I don't, I'll die.

I could maybe take something else.

Some sparkly happy pill. Whatever that is, it won't treat my condition, but goddamn it might make me feel better. I mean, I'll die, but at least I'll be able to keep my lunch down.

It's not really an option though, if I want to live.

I wish it was different.

You have no idea how much I wish I had better choices.

But I don't. All the raging at the stupidity of the system, the lack of alternatives, all the throwing up, and all the wishing it was different, won't change it.

Those are the choices.

Some days it's just so miserable you can't help but think, goddamn, just kill me. Get it over with.

Don't worry, I'm whatever the opposite of suicidal is. But also, because I have people who depend on me. So, I take the medication -- not just for me, but for them too.

That's you.

Those are YOUR choices come November.

Vote or die. Yeah, maybe the choices make you sick. But it's not just you. It's everybody who depends on you. All the people who will die, or worse, if you don't do your duty and swallow that bitter pill.

I wish you had better choices.

I do, I mean that sincerely. I wish you could vote for somebody who inspires you. Who makes you feel good. Who doesn't make you feel sick to your stomach. I do. I really do.

But, here we are and it's vote or die.

These are the choices.

And the ONLY thing that is going to change those choices is if you show up and do your duty and we move a tiny fraction in the direction we want, and next time a little more, again after that, and MAYBE our kids will live in the world we can't.

Bitter medicine? You bet it is.

I won't argue with you there.

But that is how it IS and either we swallow it, or we die. And our nation goes down. And our children have even fewer choices than we do.

It's about the world we leave to our kids, the choices we give to the next generation.

It's not about us anymore. But, you know, if you really give a shit, then it never was.

It's ALWAYS been about about the future.

You want a better nation? Be a better citizen.

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