Really encouraging! Good evidence and argumentation that a lot of us — maybe up to 10 million of us — have already had covid-19, recovered, and are now immune! Which also means it is much less deadly (at least to relatively young, healthy people) that was feared. 🧵
Powerful essay citing extensive relevant facts, combined with a measured but powerful personal plea. The author may well die soon, not from covid-19, but from the lockdown preventing her from getting cancer treatment. “The Curve is Already Flat”:
NOTE: that last one was originally posted on Medium, but was immediately censored by Medium:
Medium's new policy of taking down posts which they think undermine that Health Authorities or their preferred political positions is wrong and dangerous. It threatens not only public health but also democracy.
This kind of censorship interferes with our ability to hold the powerful to account for their mistakes. It interferes with our ability to learn from one another — learning that is desperately and urgently needed in time of crisis.
And it interferes with our ability to establish common ground with people who don't share our political positions, but who do share our country, our collective health, and our society. Far from increasing trust and unity, censorship undermines trust and fractures us. End it, @ev.
Update: I said "up to 10m", but Jacob Franek points out that this was only symptomatic cases in one week in March, so the total number of already-have-or-had-covid-19 Americans could be much higher.
Don't read the Economist article, read and tell me what I'm missing.
Okay, so do you still think my saying that 10m infected is good news is wrong? Reviewing I note that they're saying up to 10m (8–10m) as of March 15.
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