The weird thing about content creation in table top and the hurdle all POC have to get over is the fact that the white folks in the industry making content are undercharging and not charging anything for access to their gear so POC can't charge for that either.
If you don't have gear in the first place, you can't charge enough making your content to buy better gear. I have basically completely relied on the charity of my viewers and then taken loans out for equipment.
If you are a POC who is looking make content, make a wishlist and post it below and lets see if we can get you the help you need.

My advice is always worry about audio and lighting first and use your phone as your camera.
For those who are asking why I say this, this is why. For centuries white people have passed down and inherited wealth that communities of color who have been oppressed for just as long thanks to colonization, do not have access to. The barrier to entry is SO MUCH higher for POC.
Shout out to the trolly asshole who made this thread unsafe for POC to post on too. Thanks a million.
You can follow @BoldBebo.
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