Over 3 years ago, @TomPerez walked into the DNC & asked: "What can we do so that what happened in 2016 doesn't happen again?" and "how do we win?" (1/10)
Three years later: The DNC built and tested an infrastructure for our nominee and races up and down the ballot. The results? Democrats won. (2/10)
It took rebuilding our finance infrastructure/online fundraising infrastructure under @ctcox and @JessOConnell, and our mobz friends @stevensonpj and @k8thegr8est so that we could beef up the DNC, because there are no "off years." (3/10)
It took increasing our investment in state parties and a multi-million dollar investment in 12 battleground states to fund organizers so that we aren't just talking to voters the October before an election. (4/10)
We beefed up communications staff in battleground states to localize and define Trump while our candidates were in primary states. Believe me, as a @hillaryclinton comms alum, I wish we would have had this in 2016. (5/10)
DNC completely overhauled the technology infrastructure of the party- it is unrecognizable from 2016. Dems formed a new data exchange, which allows candidates, state parties, DNC & progressive ecosystem to share data in real time & leverage all of the voter contact work. (6/10)
We created the DNC war room led by @Adrienne_DNC to hold trump accountable through comms, digi and research.  The DNC research team also houses the most comprehensive file on Trump.(7/10)
We made a multi-million dollar investment to recruit organizers in key states, and specifically in communities of color, to help the nominee through @orgcorps2020. (9/10)
All of our resources have gone towards  helping our nominee and electing democrats.  Now, let's elect  @JoeBiden and beat  @DonaldTrump. This is the most important election of our lifetime. https://democrats.org/news/memo-dnc-general-election-programs-to-support-biden-campaign-and-democrats-across-the-country/ (10/10)
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