CH 9 - Reflection
I am feeling very exposed w/out my beard. I honestly don't feel like my usual confident self. But after a few beardless days I'm getting to know my face again. Noticing new moles, new scars, some old scars. Right now I'm fully exposed. Extra chin, scars n all.
@FrankiesTooLoud requested the story of the scar so here it goes...
Back in the day I was a bouncer in a nightclub. I was a young, single guy no fear. This place was a known trouble spot. On a good night we had guys from multiple rival gangs. One night I was going about my
2/ business when I had to ask some guy to stop sitting on the stage. Pretty minor stuff. A few minutes later I had to ask him again. This time he told me to go f*co myself and swung at me. So I'm going at it with this guy n his brother, eventually my back up shows up.
3/ some other guys jump in and now there is a huge brawl on the dance floor. While im fighting w/these guys someone jumps on my back, and then another bouncer pulls them off. We eventually get 5 of these guys out into the parking lot.
4/ I get back inside catching my breath and one of the guys tell me that I'm bleeding. I figured I got hit in the head w/a bottle or something cuz I didn't see or feel anything. I get into the bathroom and look in the giant shirt is covered in blood
5/I can see in the mirror that the left side of my neck is split open about an inch wide. Luckily the police responded to the fight and an ambulance didn't take long.
6/turns out the guy I was fighting with girlfriend was the one that jumped on my back, and proceeded to pull a razor blade out she had hidden in her bra, and cut my throat
7/ I got a ride in an ambulance, 36 stitches and 2 days in the hospital.
8/Fast forward 2 years, 1 grand jury, and one trial later.... The young lady was found not guilty on all charges, despite 10 witnesses and my testimony. #QuarantineConfessions
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