AZ education peeps. It’s time to talk about this. Our schools need time to plan. At this point, teachers are teaching through end-ish May. Then will come back a couple of days before school starts. We need to plan now. (1/9)
We don’t know what to plan for. So we contingency plan. That takes time, coordination and effort. Let’s end the teaching year early and give our school staffs a chance to figure out options. (2/9)
What to plan for: Well I don’t know. I’m just a mom. But I’m guessing we plan for fewer kids on campuses at any given time. Split schedules. Hybrid learning models. Fewer kids in classrooms. (3/9)
Different methods of engagement to compensate for loss of sports (I assume) and other activities. More opportunities for small group learning (if safe). (4/9)
Here’s a big one. Physical plant changes. Loads more sinks - WITH SOAP! Different methods of food service. Schedules and staff that allow frequent disinfecting of classes. (5/9
Different healthcare systems. Will we need body temperature scanners? What kinds of facilities will we need if a child exhibits symptoms at school or comes to school sick? (6/9)
What kinds of programs do we need to launch to support kids being home sick more? Because we will need people with minor symptoms to stay at home - meaning we need to make that work. (7/9)
Ways to support teachers, staff and students who are immunocompromised but not sick. I could keep going. These are not overnight changes. (8/9)
Maybe things will be better than I’m hoping for. But let’s let our educational professionals focus on this now. Call it a year. @MatthewWBenson any chance you might agree with me? We agree on booze to go so that’s a start. (9/9)
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