It seemed like a good time to shout out to all the folks who are contributing fantastic content to #smarthistory. (I mean, where would many art historians be right now without #smarthistory?) So, new stuff to highlight...
Some of you might be interested to know that there is an ABUNDANCE of new #smarthistory material on Cubism + early abstraction, Dada, and Surrealism. Love this one on women and surrealism:
So much new material for Seeing America, which continues to push the boundaries of what we call American Art. Check this Jamie Wyeth video:
Plus, some great new content on how to recognize saints ( and some new videos related to expanding the renaissance (such as this one about a Hispano-Philippine ivory:
So much new #smarthistory content, some of which I’ve put to immediate uses in my new #triageteaching2020 classes. For all the most recently published “goods”, check out the Just published page here: 
I’ll end this thread by encouraging anyone who is possibly interested in joining the collaborative practice and community that is #smarthistory to reach out to @bethrharris and @drszucker. It takes a community of more than 400 academic contributors to build this content.
You can follow @LGKEwbank.
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