Quick lil story cuz I've been mad all day...I didn't have real health insurance until I got my first job at 24. When I was 14 I broke my arm at wrestling camp and cried when they took me to the hospital because I didn't want to bankrupt my uninsured family...
I told them to just give me pain meds and that my parents would come pick me (over 8 hour drive away). My panicked brain thought that my dad could trade plumbing work with a neighbor who was a surgeon to fix my arm. I kept begging the hospital staff to stop taking x-rays...
...as I knew they cost money. I swore up and down that my very fractured arm was actually not broken. Finally they got my parents on the phone and I kept crying and couldn't stop saying that I was sorry, over and over again. I was apologizing that I was costing so much money...
After they calmed me down, they assured me that it would be fine and were driving to get me and would see me on the other side of the surgery.

This is minor and I've led a comically lucky life compared to others, but that's not the case for the majority of uninsured people.
No child should go without healthcare. No child should go hungry. No child should be put in a cage.

Healthcare is a human right and I'm glad for @BernieSanders and others fighting for it. Solidarity forever.
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