hey, i did something really fucked up so this thread is me apologizing. i want to start off by saying i know i really messed up and nobody has to forgive me. and if you’re white, it’s not your place to forgive me so please don’t try to tell me what i said was okay. it’s not. +
in the most simple terms, i made a joke during a sensitive situation when it wasn’t my place to joke about that, especially as a white person. one of my asian (ex)mutuals had had a negative experience with one of their mutuals being racist towards them about corona. +
a few weeks afterwards, somebody left a racial slur in their curious cat. this is where i fucked up. i made a joke about the cc having been from their racist ex mutual. i knew it was a sensitive topic and made the joke anyway. i thought it would help lighten the situation and +
make them laugh but i was wrong and i should have realized immediately it wasn’t okay. but i was severely mistaken. i should have known that as a white person, it wasn’t my place to make a joke about that, especially when they’d just received that hate. i really messed up and +
i’m really sorry. i often learn a lot about what’s okay in social situations by mirroring other people and observing them and i tend to have a lot of trouble reading social cues and understanding what’s okay to joke about and what’s not. but that doesn’t make it at all okay. +
i should have realized this wasn’t a situation where that was okay to joke about, especially coming from somebody who has never experienced racism. what i said wasn’t okay and i wanted to make this thread to apologize publicly and take accountability for it. i’m really sorry ♡
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