Random Thoughts On Paid Ads

(Guess what I’m focusing on for the next month)


Effort can’t beat strategy when you’re just starting out. Testing 1000 shitty ads is worse than 1 killer script.

Knowing the “80/20” tests to run for your funnel is arguably the most important.
First few seconds of a video creative matters most. The hook.

If you have a winning creative, test 10x new hooks.

At old company, we lit stuff on fire with a flamethrower to get attention in first few seconds of an ad.
Making small changes is pointless (at small spend levels).

Wasted a bunch of time tweaking small things only to wait 3 weeks and still not have a statistically significant result.

If you’re not spending $1k/day+ on a campaign, small tweaks won’t move the needle.
Price testing. VSL leads. Big idea changes to the VSL. Removing/adding step to the funnel. Testing a new offer.

All can have an enormous impact.

Only do things that have the potential to get a 100%+ lift.
Even worrying about upsells/cross sells when your CPA is sky high is a waste.

If I could go back in time...

Wish I’d focused on one offer, one funnel, one traffic source.
If you take the “easy” approach and try to make up ROI on back end, you run into cash flow issues.

Smart for big companies, impossible for small ones.

On paper, 3x ROI after 3 months sounds great.

But going negative ~30-50% every day while you wait to break even is no bueno.
Ads can have the biggest impact imo. Assuming rest of the flow is set up correctly.

One 2-min video can cut CPA in half. For most, that’s the 80/20 piece of the business to focus on.

One of our creatives beats our previous by 5x. Almost impossible to do that with funnel tweaks.
Different industries have totally different “best approaches” for ads.

Some require pure curiosity/open loop clickbait.

Others need straight offer/credibility.

Same goes for funnels. Copying what biz opp gurus are doing in other markets is a recipe for disaster.

Quickest, easiest way to write an ad that works is copying.

That’s just the truth. Ethics aside.

Copying something that’s working is a million times more likely to succeed than trying to innovate.

Especially if you haven’t had a single successful big hit yet.
At the same time you have to escape the internet marketing echo chamber

99% of people—even those who appear successful—are making nothing

What do they have in common?

They all think inside the same box

There are so many assumptions accepted by majority that are total bullshit
All that matters at the end of the day is profit.

“i HaVe A sEvEn FiGuRe BuSiNeSs”

Sounds cool, doesn’t matter if your margin is 10%.

I would gladly get rid of $500,000 in revenue if it meant even a dollar more in profit.

At least that’s my mindset now.
Used to focus on “growth.” Who gives a fuck.

Not trying to exit *this* business anyway.

Goal is cash flow. Gotta optimize for what matters.
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