In 2016 when I was just a young lad and a delegate for Bernie Sanders, all the other Bernie people delegates gassed me up to think we were going to somehow fight till the end and at the end of the convention he would be the nominee. I hope they don’t do that again.
And of course I participated. We boo’d. We chanted. We brought signs. And ya that’s all good but it was delusional to think we were going to switch the nomination, something Bernie was not advocating for.
I still remember @SarahKSilverman telling us we were being ridiculous and feeling embarrassed and then hearing people boo who I thought would be the first woman president, and who was the first black president who inspired me to ever even like politics.
And this isn’t to shame anyone. Like I said, I did it. I participated. At times I didn’t. At times it felt wrong. But I just think about how energetic all the delegates were and wonder what would have happened if we put that energy in local politics.
So ya, today I didn’t feel the same pain I felt when we lost in 2016 because I guess I’ve been beaten into submission in national politics. But if it weren’t for that entire experience, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now.
This isn’t about the presidency, there are millions of people who are now engaged for the first time and ready to fight. That is good for everyone. They aren’t rabid Bernie bro’s. They aren’t toxic. They are the future. They just care, a lot.
Ya, when you care a lot you become bias, loud, mean, and even delusional. But that all fades. What doesn’t fade is caring.
This is all to say I think the world is going to be a much better place because of Bernies two runs, that the measure of that progress can’t be defined now, and that the quicker we can move to local movement politics rather than disrupting the convention, the better.
Oh lastly, still run to be a delegate. The experience is fucking amazing. You do have a voice. It’s dope.

Even walk out the convention like we did. I support all protest. Just don’t trick yourself into thinking he will somehow be the nominee.
All the “Here is how Bernie can still win” articles really gassed me up. I expect them to happen again. Don’t be fooled. Focus locally. There are progressives on your ballot that need your help!
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