People have asked what I meant about Medicare For All being neutralized as a wedge issue bc of the pandemic & economic collapse.

Yes, I believe that the ability for Rs to use M4A as a wedge issue has been severely diminished bc the attacks on it were predicated on stability w
the current system, bc people always default to the status quo (esp when the party that's pro-reform frames reform as "taking away private health care from 160 million Americans"🙄). But now the status quo is a shit show. We might be looking at massive uninsured rates come fall
Going to be pretty hard to run the original message the GOP was planning to run, plus, Americans are going to be a lot more receptive, A LOT more, to real reform on health care. Probability of a public option getting added to OC is much higher now assuming Biden wins, and the
public option is basically Medicare For All Who Want It-especially if it gets structured to not be means tested, which might be a good way for Biden to get the Sanders people on board. But yeah- we're going to be looking at American Carnage come fall- debate has totally reset.
And if Ds were smart- they would HAMMER the GOP on healthcare, on gutting Obamacare, and tie it back to increased pandemic casualties. The gutting of the discretionary budget in pursuit of "limited government" left this country incapable of responding to this pandemic- and if the
Ds don't draw the line between the shitty pandemic response and the gutting of the government in pursuit of "limit government" over the past 30 years- well then I've got nothing for them. That & "state and local control." Both "limited government" and "state & local control"
have been exposed as total bullshit that like communism, sounds good in theory but are deadly in practice. COVID19 has exposed the lunacy of "limited government" & "state control" as governing philosophies & Ds up & down the ballot should attack both aggressively in 2020.
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