This is a brilliant thread on the #ChineseCoronaVirus and its treatment but let me share some information regarding its construction and views of American researchers as I received few days back.
1) If one does manipulation in genetic sequence one uses something called crammer for complete replacement of sequence of genetic material. Mutation by shift or drift will alter one or two nucleotide but there is complete change while comparing to parent group of viruses.
2) According to an associate professor in Pathology in Texas who authored lung cancer chapter in Robbins book who studied the complete genome of virus & it is nothing but a man made disaster for sure. China & WHO is up for a big trouble once this mayhem is settled down
3) Diffused alveolar damage. The lung alveoli are completely edematous and damaged. They develop membrane hyalinization.
4) According to the studies in patients with covid based on Lymph node biopsy, Lung biopsy and BAL (Bronchoalveolar lavage) cytology few pictures were shared as below
7) So according to him given the cells pointed it forms these round globules in the macrophages or histiocytes which are generally seen with herpes virus 🦠 in herpetic infections (mouth ulcers and stuff).
8) So in nutshell as per him it goes like this - Imagine this virus to be a hybrid between a prior corona strain (1960s) and Herpes now.
This is a bitch combination created as a bio weapon.
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