. @ReeseW planned this surprise call with @AbbyWambach (who clued Chase in and he filmed the whole thing. It was a beautiful night in a different time--when we actually believed for a moment that the most important thing was UNTAMED. Ha!
We make our plan and then: Life happens.
That's what happens: We build our sandcastles and then the wave comes. We make a thing and we get so excited about the thing and then life reminds us that what matters is not the thing we’re building at all but the people we’re building it with.
I am so grateful, so incredibly grateful for my co-builders. Thank you, Reese, and Abby and Sister. None of this month went the way we planned it but who the hell cares because what matters is never the plan but the relationships we forge while planning.
LOVES: Reese & I are creating ways to keep bringing us all together while we’re apart. If you’d like: Send us a question about UNTAMED-in this thread or in a video of you asking a question with #GetUntamed that @ReesesBookClub can repost. We’ll meet soon & talk through all of it
I love you. We keep building our sandcastles and then we keep surrendering when the waves come. We are not the castle, we are the builders.

#GetUntamed #ReesesBookClub
P.S. You know how strongly I feel about not answering the phone. This is a singular example of why-very, very, rarely-there is good reason to. But I don’t want to set a bad example. These are desperate times and we don’t need people just out there calling each other willy nilly.
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