In 1918, a Philadelphia pol, Wilmer Krusen, ignored warnings from viral experts that a then-limited outbreak in the city could kill untold numbers.

Pish, Krusen said. It's just the flu. It's contained. "No fatalities have been recorded. No concern whatever is felt," he said.../1
.. the Liberty Loan Parade was scheduled, celebrating American's commitment to patriotism & purchases of bonds to finance war effort. Again, Krusen was begged, cancel the parade.

Pish, he said. Eveything's fine. We have to live our normal lives. Everyone will be safe there.../2
...within days, hospitals were overflowing with 1000s of attendees at that parade. Thousands died, but worse - they then spread the disease. By the end of it, Krusen contributed to the death - no, murder BY HIM - of 50m-100 million souls worldwide.

...Trump/Hannity et al. proclaimed, it's just the flu. Just like Krusen said. It's contained. Just like Krusen said. We all have to go out, get back to our lives. Just like Krusen said.

Even as people died, Brit Hume poo-poohs the virus. Just like Krusen did....
...these are the people who are going to go down in history as the fools who killed untold numbers. They will be the new Krusen because of their ignorance, arrogance, deception, and just pure evil.

All of them will rot in the hell they pretend to believe in.
...their lies and ignorance will leave so many, desperately sucking in air that cannot get into their lungs as they, in agony, suffocate to death. And then are shoved into a freezer, buried with no service, no families allowed to bid goodbye, because these bastards made it worse.
..people are dying. And none of these liars care to learn or tell the truth. Killing as if they used a gun.

They should be shunned forever. And you KNOW they'll survive because, even as they say "pish posh," theyre taking every precaution for themselves and their families.

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