Difficult to figure out what the solution would be here, but I think Biden's VP pick could be an important overture to the left. Too bad @AOC's not 35...

For Biden supporters, jumping on Bernie's grave won't help. We need everyone focused on November. https://www.vox.com/2020/4/8/21184584/joe-biden-bernie-sanders-supporters
I think the Biden team could find a lot of success in focusing on the personal stories of people who whose lives would measurably change if and when Biden wins the election. Focus on showing people what they're voting for.
I have undocumented family members who are being threatened by this president. I have sick family members whose healthcare is threatened by this president.

The stories of people like them need to be told in this election. It's always, always been bigger than Biden vs. Bernie.
For Bernie supporters and Warren supporters and anyone else who can't find it in them to actively support Biden, then take heart in knowing that there are going to be thousands of candidates running in elections across the country this year who will need and deserve your support.
Any effort on behalf of candidates down ballot helps the whole progressive movement.

Let's turn 2020 into the national Democratic wave year America needs.
You can follow @kevsaucebro.
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