I don’t agree with John Lewis’ politics but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I RT and encourage a bunch of white people calling him a bootlicker for old tweets they dug up.
White people, I don’t know what the fuck you have to do, but you cannot sit here insulting Black people for assimilating and obeying YOUR systems that for centuries YOUR people told them to obey at the pain of death just bc after GENERATIONS of white supremacy yr a leftist now
He wouldn’t even be in this hemisphere dealing with YOUR cops and YOUR political system had your ancestors not misplaced his. Whatever a Black person does to conform or adhere or agree with that system is a choice made under socialization and duress and NOT YOUR BUSINESS TO MOCK.
Funny thing is most times you punk asses do not have this energy for your favorite politicians, your friends, your family. If it’s white working class racists/fascists, you see them as poor victims pushed to populism bc of poverty. All the excuses in the world apply for whites
But you so easily hop on sm to show so much naked anger, hatred, and condescending anti-Blackness towards Black celebrities, politicians etc. And make excuses as to why you’re allowed to do so, dismissing people who have a problem with your racism as liberals/IDPOL reductionists
Yet you refuse to boost or support Black leftists who have more deep, principled positions and takes against people in power bc we don’t *just* go after Black ones, we mostly criticize and have energy for whiteness, for your politicians, family and friends, for you...
And that messed with your whole “I’m just here to take pot shots at Black people and call them bootlickers” bullshit.

You could have a whole sufficient politic and keep Black people out your mouths.
It isn’t that we are infallible, that we cannot participate in oppressive politics or that you must agree with all us. It’s that power dynamics and whiteness still remain when you try to come for Black people especially in the way y’all tend to.
And marginalized Black people watch you do it and see you’d be no ally to us. You aren’t currently

Just the unmitigated GALL of mocking and negotiating how Black people survive this world. We’re done listening to you. Go mind your own branch in yr eye and we’ll take care of us.
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