For those that say both parties are the same, here are some differences:
- Only one party is fighting like hell to make it *harder* to vote
- Only one party is actively trying to take away healthcare
- Only one party is trying to replace science with their religion
- Only one party is trying to block measures to keep Russia from hacking the vote
- Only one party is deliberately ripping families apart and sticking them in concentration camps
- Only one party has sworn to overturn Roe v Wade
- Only one party *still* opposes LGBT rights
I could go on and on. For all the Dems’ faults (and there are many), they are not actively working to make the world a worse place to live. They may not be going far enough for your taste, and I get that. But no change is still better than making things much, much worse.
Not having M4A is still better than kicking millions off of what shitty insurance they still have.

Not getting a Green New Deal is still better than gutting the EPA and giving companies carte blanche to pollute to their black hearts’ content.
And not having a 7-2 SCOTUS is most definitely better than getting every piece of progressive legislation struck down for the next 30-40 years.

Even if we don’t move forward yet, staying still is infinitely better than moving backwards. We can’t survive another Trump term.
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