The more I think about it, the more unsure I am about voting for Biden, as a survivor and as a trans woman who feels so often overlooked by a system I have little confidence will help me in a Biden win. Takes trying to guilt me into doing so aren't really working, to be honest.
I will vote downballot and continue to vote in 2021, 2022, and beyond, but it is difficult, to say the least, to put my morals and feelings aside. I feel I do that too much as it is and that it has greatly worsened how I feel about my life.
Well that rapidly dropped off followers, guess I won't get to 1000 after all. I am very glad that voicing slight displeasure as a survivor and marginalized person is enough to turn off people.
As my follower count drops maybe the fucksticks unfollowing because a broke marginalized sexual assault survivor should take a second to think what that says about them. Or to put it in other words, fuck y'all.
You can follow @sapphrdavis.
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