OK, I'm getting to that point where I will soon explode with frustration at the number of people not knowing how reason and arguments work.
I will be accused of ableism now but this is a sincere comparison. Trying to talk to people on Twitter really does sometimes remind me of all the years I cared for people with Alzheimers when you have to keep reminding them what we were talking about & what has already been said.
I really do have to mute people when it gets like that because I won't remember they don't know how discussion works & I will try to have a serious conversation with them again. I look under my tweets tho so I still talk to them. I just know not to expect them to keep up.
I just find it really hard to believe that there are so many people who have reached adulthood & have jobs & kids & things without being able to hold the the thread of a simple conversation in their mind even when it's all written down & they can go back &check what the point was
I think that's why I get so frustrated with it. I can't really believe that this is how they are & it must suck for them. I think they must be doing it on purpose in order to waste my time and drive me insane.
Someone commented that my account is defined by my meta-arguments. My arguments about arguments and reason and how they work & why specific responses are neither arguments nor reasonable and are thus invalid. I know I do this a lot but I believe humans should be able to do this!
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