Seeing some really high profile tech people I respect say they refuse to vote for Biden and it's really disappointing.

How can you be *that smart* and not realize you are voting to continue with the status quo under Trump by not voting?
How can you see Trump as ethically on the same footing as Biden? You've been watching him for 4 years, right?

Biden's done some shitty things, but it pales in comparison to Trump.

I get that you're hurting, but you're just going to abandon the rest of us? Disappointing.
It's sad that some people refuse to vote because they can afford to.

Me? I'm 38, live with my folks, have a negative net worth, have multiple chronic mental and physical illnesses.

People like me are counting on people like you to make sure socialized systems *at bare minimum*
continue, which *guaranteed* will not happen under Trump.

Under Biden? Not a great track record, but there's a possibility there.

If you care about progressivism, prove it. If you believe in altruism, prove it. Otherwise any political or ethical takes you emit ring hollow.
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