Right now, across the internet, thousands of people are demonstrating, in real time, just how destructive focusing purely on class at the expense of other identities can be. You don't need to look hard to see it:

1/a bunch
The portion of Bernie-fans who are raging or despairing; vowing to not vote in the 2020 Presidential election, or vote third party - or even vote Trump - by claiming Biden is "just as bad".
All the immigrants this administration has put in concentration camps because of their ethnicity? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
All the Hispanic kids ripped from their parents and made orphans as collective punishment? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
Native peoples across the country losing land and tribal recognition at an alarming rate? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The skyrocketing number of US servicemembers that have been deported? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The DACA recipients who had their futures stolen? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The women who have had their rights threatened and taken away by Republican extremists being installed as judges? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The trans people who have seen their rights rolled back? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
At-risk health populations who this administration put at extreme risk - and put to death - not because of lack of free healthcare, but because of direct maliciousness and incompetence in a pandemic? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The massive deregulation, leading to increasing damage to the environment? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The international alliances, treaties and institutions this administration has abandoned or put in serious jeopardy? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The way this administration has enabled and empowered autocrats across the world at unprecedented rate, and shrank from advancing human rights? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
The attacks on science, the press, public discourse, and the very concept of truth? Erased by "Biden is just as bad".
I could go on.

And on.

And on.

And on.
No, Biden is not "just as bad". It's a deeply ignorant and incredibly privileged thing to claim.
And no, we can't just focus on class and economics and pretend like that will solve everything.

That's still identity politics. It's just identity politics that claims that white cishet men are the only identity worth identifying.
If you liked Bernie, sure, mourn his campaign. But also look at it objectively, and try to see what he could have done better, because he messed up a *lot*. And don't let your mourning turn to blind rage.
Presidents are not our saviours. They are our colleagues in democracy. Keep your hope in yourself, don't give it to a candidate for any office. You make democracy work, not them. If we're lucky enough to remove the current fascist, we can work at it with whoever replaces him.
You can follow @MattAF13.
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