Hey, a gentle suggestion: save the persuasive arguments about what a vote in November could mean for a little closer to November, and let Bernie voters have some space and room to grieve, okay? We've all got enough bad stuff to deal with right now
Arguing right now is just going to further entrench people in their views, regardless of what you're trying to push for. We do not need to be creating more tension on the left when we have PLENTY of that, thanks
I'm somewhat removed from this—I was a Warren voter, though Bernie was my second choice and I would have been happy if he got the nomination. But I remember how aggravating it was when the SECOND Warren dropped out people were on us to get on board with another candidate
It sure didn't help me feel more warmly toward any of the other candidates, or more excited about the process. And where I come down in a nutshell is this: if we want to build a kinder country, we have to actually be kinder to each other
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