Not going to call anyone out on here, but please be careful about listening prosperity preachers right now. You can spot one because they'll tell you a few (unbiblical) things:
1. Everything is going to be alright/ Greater things are in store for you (on this side of eternity)
2. They're giving out quick, simple answers to this profound problem and mystery of suffering.
3. Their messages are aimed at an emotional high.
Why this is so harmful to you right now:
1. For some people reading this, someone you love dearly will die during the pandemic. God might not intervene and you will attend a socially distant funeral, unable to receive hugs. It will be the most difficult moment of your life.
I truly hope this doesn't happen, I pray daily for our city and our world for healing. But if it does, I don't want you thinking that *God* has failed you because a preacher told you everything will be ok. They're lying through their teeth. Jesus promised the opposite. John 16:33
The entire bible is full of people who did not have "greater things" in store for them physically. John the Baptist, who Jesus calls the greatest man born alive was beheaded by a crooked king. The hope of Christ is *not* that everything will be ok on this side of eternity.
Jesus promises:
1. That when you meet Him, He'll wipe every tear from your eyes. Think about that: some people will be so hurt in this world that their eyes still wouldn't have dried up from crying when they reach heaven
2. Available peace in the pandemic, not rescue from it
3. That he's active in your life
4. That nothing is meaningless
5. That you're being refined (made more like Christ) by suffering
2. We don't need quick answers. If there's anything that's been lost & is now resurfacing, it's the biblical practices of lament and grief. Lament is what God's people have done for millennia when life hurt and didn't make sense. They grieved, they prayed angry, confused prayers.
I'm afraid that we're so desperate to feel in control of this situation, that people will flock to whoever's giving them a quick answer. Don't rush out of the "confusing in-between", (h/t @petescazzero). 35 out of 41 chapters (85%) in the book of Job were just that. Confusing.
If the majority of your life right now is confusing, then you're in good company. Don't go looking for quick answers to profound problems.
3. If there's anything you need to be weaned off of in order to grow to spiritual maturity, it's an emotion-based relationship with God. That's the opposite of walking by faith. Mature faith believes God, period. Be careful of people in empty auditoriums trying to pump you up.
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