THREAD: Quite thrilled to hear that Sanders has dropped out of the race and I will most likely be forced to vote between two candidates that have both been accused of sexual misconduct and predatory behavior.
(2) My heart truly goes out to all the women (and men) this affects on a much, much more intense personal note than I. #MeToo is VERY real despite your annoyance with the movement. 2020 and we're still living in a country that does not value women justly.
(3) Seeing a lot of people responding to this by saying "he is the lesser of two evils" and all I have to say is how sad that is (no disrespect at all but esp for victims of assault to just disregard? minimize? what they went through) ...
(4) and how inherently misogynistic American politics are that this isn't a disqualifier to begin with, but something that is pushed aside for the "bigger picture."
(5) SO MANY WOMEN (and men survivors let's not forget) are not going to vote for Biden solely because of this! Can you blame them????? I sure can't. And this is who is supposed to unite the democratic party? Here comes four more years of Trump.
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