Sugawara tears into the production committee system, which as of late he's identified as a major issue for anime. We're supposed to believe that *multiple* mid to large companies investing in a new title take a risk, while vulnerable workers who aren't fairly compensated are not
(Mid to large companies such as, I don't know, the distributor that hours after the KyoAni arson issued a statement saying they wouldn't delay any of their titles, then got rid of that and pretended they never did. They're not your friends, they're not anyone's friends)
Akutsu's talk about his early days as an inbetweener are interesting as well. I think strict performance-based compensation systems are fundamentally anti-art, but philosophical debates aside, their implementation is a goddamn scam. Actually rigged
Newcomers are still not efficient, and this tips the scale against them even more. The amount of time they've got to dedicate can make them equivalent to full-time employees... except with none of the benefits, or even a salary for that matter
Sugawara, who's been fighting for this cause for years, wraps it up by pointing out perhaps the trickiest issue: lack of solidarity, industry people who think everyone should suffer the same way they did, and those who benefit from the status quo quietly fighting against change
That's why you'll keep hearing that these things can't be done, except when they can, but let's not think about those too deeply and keep repeating the mantra that change is too complicated
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