Why Canada Summer Jobs isn’t enough to help students: a thread (1/11)
#COVID19 #cdnpoli #CanadaSummerJobs @dontforgetstdns #DontForgetStudents @CFSMB @CFSON @CFSNL @cfsns
Today PM @JustinTrudeau announced measures expanding the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program: providing a 100% wage subsidy to employers, extending placements to the winter, and providing subsidies for part-time positions. (2/11)
The government estimates this program will create 70,000 jobs. There are 2 million+ students in Canada. We'll let you do the math. (3/11)
Whole industries have been shut down and millions of Canadians are being laid off. Even with the subsidy, most employers will be (and probably should be) prioritizing retaining or hiring back their current employees. (4/11)
Some students are immunocompromised, or live with at-risk populations. They will choose not to work outside of the home to protect themselves and their loved ones, and they should not be penalized for that. (5/11)
Many students are not eligible for the CSJ program, such as international students and students over the age of 30. Students need a comprehensive COVID-19 financial assistance strategy that leaves no one behind #DontForgetStudents (6/11)
So what is #CERB and why do #students need it? (7/11)
CERB provides $500 a week up to 4 months for workers who have lost their job as a result of #COVID19. Students who rely on summer employment and will be unable to find work due to the crisis are not eligible for the CERB. (8/11)
Without access to CERB, many students and recent graduates will be struggling to pay for rent, groceries, and save up for the coming school year. Everyone, including students, needs income security to make it through the pandemic. (9/11)
Expanding the CERB would provide the needed immediate financial relief without forcing students into piecemeal programs that are still excluding far too many and that don’t provide the same income support. #StudentsNeedCERB (10/11)
We continue to call on the federal government to provide protections by expanding CERB eligibility to all students and recent graduates. Join the call to action and add your voice here: https://cfsfcee.ca/covid-19/  #DontForgetStudents #StudentsNeedCERB (11/11)
You can follow @CFSFCEE.
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